- Originally streber started as a prototype of a major upgrade of
netoffice. I stumbled over this
project and enthusiatically joined the comunity a year ago. It seemed a good tool
for organizing my own projects and work. Over the time I discovered, that
the long project-history lead into a confusing, hard to extend code-basis. And although
the core-interface was really intuitive some points (like rights-management,
cascaded tasks and client-site) were really confusing. So
I worked on an interface-design concept for a major upgrade including mock-ups,
a user-survey and
usability-tests. During the implementation of a prototype I made a lot of really drastic
changes in the netoffice concept. Together with the missing support from the project-founders
this gave me enough reason to split and start a new project which I called streber.
- "Streber"
is German for a too enthusiastic and motivated person. Nobody would like to go for a date with
a streber, but letting him do your home-work is quiet o.k. ;-)
current state
- For now - August 2005 - the code size has reached some hundred kilobytes of well-documented,
object oriented
and tested php5 code. I am already using streber to organize all of my project
activity and client relation ship. The current version misses some important features
of a first beta-release (of which the most important is an installation and upgrade
mechanism). I hope to implement those til end of August. Additionally we
are doing a field-test with a small Berlin company.
- If things go really well I plan a first beta-release for end of August 2005. This
release will not provide as many features as netoffice, but it will be a more stable
and flexible foundation for a quick growth.
- Depending on the feedback about the beta-version and the support I get from
other developers I will continue the project with this roadmap.